Customer Relations Coordinator

Do you want to be a part of a dynamic INTERNATIONAL TEAM that operates WORLD-WIDE?
Are you passionate about AFTER SALES, eager to DEVELOP and KEEP RELATIONS with customers?
Do you have a natural CURIOSTIY about human BEHAVIOUR & RELATIONS?
If you answered YES 3 times – we have something special for you!

We are an international technical service provider with 250+ technicians delivering services to industry and energy sectors around the world. Our DNA is half-Danish and half-Polish, 
and today we are searching for a new colleague!
Customer Relations Coordinator
Miejsce pracy: Szczecin, Posejdon Office piętro 7
An appetizer – is this for you?

Working in our After Sales team, you will be engaged in a wide variety of tasks when it comes to keeping our relations with our existing customers, following up on their pipelines and forecasts so we can ensure we are updated with potential new projects. This will also involve creating offers, dealing with negotiation of contracts, closing new orders, booking customer meetings as well as visiting the customers.

No two days are the same at Eryk, new tasks can pop up at any moment, so we need a dynamic person who enjoys unexpected developments, is proactive and eager to learn, and wants to develop within the B2B sales process.

Your profile?...

You have worked with Sales before and preferably have corporate B2B sales experience. However, the most important thing for us will be your attitude (perhaps sparked with a bit of sales talent), and your willingness to work in a very dynamic way, where you travel regularly to different places to visit customers. 

Still in doubt? - perhaps these questions can help you figuring out if this job would motivate you: 
  1. Do you get energized by sparring with others & sharing insights? 
  2. Do you have a natural curiosity about human behavior & relations?
  3. Do you feel comfortable walking into an unknown land and you don’t mind getting rejected? 
  4. Are you a natural negotiator who likes a challenge – but also knows when to back off? 
  5. Do you enjoy a changeable work pattern that features both the office work and travels abroad?
Can you answer YES to above – well then there might a great journey ahead of you at Eryk Group :)

Did we mention that we operate internationally?! Therefore, in the future it would not be strange if you hit around 75 travel days per year, since our customers are located all over the world, although primarily in Europe. Your workplace will be in Szczecin where you will cooperate with a team of more than 40 highly skilled colleagues in an English-speaking and friendly environment.

Main course – Let’s dive deeper into the scope of work:
  • Keeping customers updated about our services using solid arguments within the B2B market
  • Establishing, developing and maintaining positive business and customer relations
  • Negotiating contracts with existing customers
  • Preparing offers and making price calculations 
  • Visiting customers to evaluate needs, maintaining the relation and/or promoting our services
  • Reaching out to sleeping customers (customers who we have not been working with for a while) through e-mailing or even cold canvassing/cold calling
  • Following sales targets and delivering within deadlines 
Skills – must-have’s:
  • You are fluent in English
  • You have business education (B.Sc. or College Diploma) 
  • You are a natural and efficient communicator 
  • You have international driving license, recognized in Europe 
  • You are well-organized, dynamic, and like to meet new people
  • You either live in or near Szczecin or are willing to move to Szczecin 
  • You are a natural negotiator who likes to be challenged
  • You are proficient with Microsoft Office, especially Power point, Excel, Word and PDF.
Dessert – What we offer:
  • Exciting job in a respected, well-run company where your opinion matters, and standards are high
  • Employment contract and stable work environment
  • Friendly atmosphere in a well-organized and ergonomic office in the centre of Szczecin
  • Generous package of benefits; Private Medical care, sport package, group insurance, language courses
  • Possibility for growth and self-development through professional training and courses financed by Eryk Group. 
Podanie danych osobowych w CV jest dobrowolne, lecz konieczne do przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacyjnego. Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą na podstawie art.6 ust. 1 pkt. a i c ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z 27 kwietnia 2016 r. W każdym czasie możesz cofnąć zgodę, kontaktując się z nami pod adresem Administratorem danych osobowych jest Eryk Sp. Z o.o. z siedzibą w Szczecinie, ul. Pl. Brama Portowa 1 70-225. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane do momentu zakończenia prowadzenia rekrutacji, nie dłużej jednak niż przez trzy miesiące od dnia zakończenia rekrutacji. Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997r. Dz. U. z 2002 r., Nr 101, poz. 923 ze zm.” Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie przez Eryk Sp. Z o.o, moich danych osobowych zawartych w zgłoszeniu rekrutacyjnym dla celów przyszłych rekrutacji prowadzonych przez Eryk Sp. Z o.o

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