Customer Service Specialist - Automotive Superhero

Is automotive your passion, and communication via phone, chat, and email your natural habitat? Can you solve problems faster than a V8 engine accelerates?

Do you love cars but dont fancy being stuck in traffic every day? Working in a remote customer service role will make your day exciting and stress-free, allowing you to help customers without even leaving your slippers!

Customer Service Specialist - Automotive Superhero
Gorzów Wielkopolski
What you will do:
  • You handle customer service via phone, chat, and email - professionally, but with a smile,
  • You document interactions in the CRM system - tracking actions taken and solutions proposed to ensure nothing escapes your attention - details matter,
  • You work in a team - collaboration is the key to improving customer service quality and solving problems on the spot.
Requirements, a.k.a. your superpowers:
  • One year of experience in a call center or customer service - we are curious about your experiences!
  • Proficiency in German (C1) - you will use it daily at work, and knowledge of English at B2 level - useful for internal communication, training, and analyzing knowledge bases,
  • Composure and tact - you have nerves of steel and know how to maintain professionalism in every situation (even when the client is in top form),
  • Attention to detail - nothing is too small to be important,
  • Perfect self-organization - we value your time,
  • Problem-solving skills and creative thinking - your ideas are the greatest value!
Additionally, if:
  • You have experience in the automotive industry with premium brands, you already know that quality is not an option - but a standard,
  • CRM systems are familiar to you,
  • The automotive industry is your passion.

Then you are one step closer to becoming part of our team!


We offer:
  • 100% remote work - comfortably from your couch, without traffic jams and parking spot races,
  • A salary that allows you to live, not just survive,
  • Training that will make you an expert in the automotive industry and confident in every customer conversation,
  • A benefits package such as the MyBenefit cafeteria (you choose the benefit that interests you), life insurance, and private medical care - we care about your health and future,
  • Team leader support at every stage of work - we wont leave you out in the cold; you can always count on help!
  • Stable employment based on an employment contract - because certainty and peace of mind are fundamental.

Apply now! We cant wait to have a virtual coffee with you!

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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