Customer Service Specialist with Slovenian

Customer Service Specialist with Slovenian

Your daily tasks:

  • Providing the highest level of customer service (contact with clients via chat, email and calls);  
  • Answering incoming calls and meeting targets set by the client and management; 
  • Following company policies and procedures, ensuring quality;  
  • Performing daily tasks in an efficient and timely manner.

What do we expect from you?

  • Language: Native level of Slovenian and good English level (B1);
  • Experience: Customer Service experience is a must, medical background knowledge is a plus;
  • Technology: Knowledge of MS Office and developed computer skills;   
  • Personality: Motivated, enthusiastic.

Advantages will be:

  • Ability to prioritize and plan;  
  • Independence AND ability to work with minimal supervision;  
  • Ability to solve problems;  
  • Attention to detail.

Working conditions:

  • Type of contract you choose yourself (freelance contract for students or employment contract); 
  • Remote working from whole Poland area.
  • Working Monday to Friday during business hours.
  • Comprehensive training designed to prepare you for an exceptional working experience.

We offer:

  • Co-financing for eyeglasses and holidays, employee referral program, vouchers for various occasions (Christmas, Childrens Day, etc.); 
  • Multisport card available, as well as an internal Everbetter program to promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • Professional development through training and cross-location cooperation at the international level. 

Dont hesitate and apply now! 

When applying please enclose the below statement: "Hereby I voluntarily agree to the processing of personal data contained in my CV by Foundever for the purpose of the recruitment process in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101 , pos. 926 as amended).”
Application submission signifies the applicants agreement to process the personal data contained in the application for the purposes necessary for the recruitment process in accordance with Foundever privacy policy.

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